Life Never Goes as Expected!

Oh, there’s nothing wrong…just still not connected to the internet.

I hope all of you are having a wonderful and blessed Fall Season (if you are in the US).  Otherwise, I hope our season if beautiful, wonderful and not too hot or too cold.

Hugs to you and your loved ones!


PS ~ When I have a chance, I will try to find out what happened to the missing picture.

Hello to All

It’s been awhile since I have written. Hopefully I will be here on a more regular basis.

Life has changed so very much. I have moved back to Texas and I did not bring my old life with me.

Job seeking is the primary goal at this point and has been for several months.

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer full of blessings, joy, and love.

Today’s the Day!

It’s my Birthday Sale!

One Day Only 

$22 for the Personalized eVersion

Click here

Be sure to enter “Birthday Sale” in the Message area

Local Money

Have you ever heard of

“Local Money”?

Until recently, the term was familiar but I hadn’t taken the time to understand it.

Local Money is tender that is often used in both hour and dollar increments.  Ithaca, New York has been using “Ithaca Hours” since about 1991.  Evidently it is the longest running system that encourages bartering using an accountability system.

As with any type of bartering, you trade goods and services.   To keep things simple,  Local Money will help you with a system that will keep your trades simple for you.  Nothing will stop you from bartering the traditional way of swapping goods and services.  With Local Money, you have an option.  Local Money will pay for things like haircuts, birthday cakes, lawn mowing, printing, auto repair and a million other goods and services.  Start out with a small group of a dozen people.  Talk to the neighbors and local businesses.  Ask them if they would be willing to use “Local Money”. 

This is legal!  Just remember, if this is income, you will still need to pay taxes on this money to keep Uncle Sam happy!  Also, in creating your Local Money, you don’t want to make it look anything like the Federal currency in size or color.

Check out this video regarding Ithaca and how they use Local Money, it will only take about 10 minutes of your time but it may inspire you to help your community to survive the tough times we are all experiencing.

No Internet…Almost

For over 15 hours, there was something amiss with my internet.

Don’t know what, so I’ll just blame it on the cloud cover we had.  Thunderstorms rolled through and things just weren’t the same for a while.

Believe it or not, I had a connection but the speed was so low none of the pages would load; with one exception.

Evidently Skype uses low-bandwidth. What a great way to connect to people.

Have you ever tried Skype?  All I have is the “freebie” account.  You can chat to anyone who has an account.  Also, if you have a microphone and speaker on your computer (internal or external) you can talk – just like on the phone.  There is even video conferencing…all for free.

Have a Sassy Day

Hoping you alway have a way to stay connected!

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